GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong

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What's New

12 Aug 2024 Sum of Numbers in Throwing Two Dice

7 Aug 2024 Number of Heads in Tossing Two Coins

23 May 2024 Enlarging / Reducing a Figure

23 May 2024 探究三角形的面積
Exploring the Area of a Triangle

23 May 2024 Explore Relationships among Angles, Arcs and Chords
Relationship between Angles at the Circumference and Arcs

23 May 2024 排水法

23 May 2024 圖形拼砌

12 Jul 2023:  Graphing Exponential Functions
Graphs of y=a^x and y=(1/a)^x
Graphing y=log(a, x) from y=a^x
Graphs of y=a^x and y=log(a, x)

20 Jun 2023: Online sharing: part 1 ; part 2 

20 Jun 2023: Simple examples for beginning teacher users 

19 Aug 2022: Quadrilaterals with 4 Equal Sides

7 Apr 2022: 繪畫正方形

7 Apr 2022: 繪畫長方形

7 Apr 2022: 繪畫梯形

30 Mar 2022: HCF 和 LCM 的應用

29 Mar 2022: 正方形的邊長和周界

29 Mar 2022: 長方形的周界與長和闊的關係 (學生版)

29 Mar 2022: 長方形的周界與長和闊的關係 (教師版)

29 Mar 2022: 已知長方形周界和長求闊

29 Mar 2022: 巧算周界

28 Mar 2022: 砌長方形找因數

25 Mar 2022: 倍數  

25 Mar 2022: 鋪紙條找公倍數和 LCM

25 Mar 2022: 因數

25 Mar 2022: 公因數

25 Mar 2022: 兩組對邊相等的四邊形(三年級)

25 Mar 2022: 繪畫平行四邊形

24 Mar 2022: JCDS 小學數學科 GeoGebra 資源

17 Mar 2022: A fraction of a set of objects

14 Mar 2022: Measuring Pi

14 Mar 2022: Measuring Diameters and Circumferences

9 Mar 2022: Sharing ThingsDividing Things

8 Mar 2022: 分物活動 1分物活動 2

7 Mar 2022: Volumes of Cuboids長方體的體積

4 Mar 2022: Find the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle

4 Mar 2022: 求直角三角形的斜邊

4 Mar 2022: 圓周與直徑的關係量度圓周率

4 Mar 2022: 一組物件的幾分之幾是多少?

08 July 2021: GeoGebra 學院(香港) 線上活動 

28 Feb 2021: Subtraction of Integers (ver. 2)

28 Feb 2021: Subtraction of Integers (ver. 1)

28 Feb 2021: Addition of Integers

5 Jan 2021: Subtraction of Directed Numbers

5 Jan 2021: Addition of Directed Numbers

30 Nov 2020: Analyze the Graph of a Function

30 Nov 2020: Is y a function of x?

30 Nov 2020: Graph of y = ax²

10 Jan 2020: Several Fraction Bars

17 Sept 2019:   Exploring Congruence of Triangles

17 Sept 2019:   (Updated on 17 Sept 2019)

13 Sept 2019:   Angle Sum of a Triangle by

13 Sept 2019:   Paper Folding

21 Jun 2019:    拼砌三角形 (五邑鄒振猷學校黃昭雲老師提供)

19 Jun 2019:    Making Similar Triangles

16 Jun 2019:    分數除法應用題

04 Jun 2019:  Percentages and Their Applications

18 May 2019:   透過 GeoGebra 進行數學研究工作坊

18 May 2019:   GeoGebra 進階工作坊

18 May 2019:   GeoGebra 初階工作坊

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong (GIHK) is an independent and self-sustaining community of practice formed by a group of teachers, educators and scholars in Hong Kong

Our goals: